
Introduction to Functional Programing

Java testing with JUnit, Mockito and other tools


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As a Java developer, you may be interested in accessing various resources on your operating system, such as file systems, network sockets, or system properties. Java provides several classes and methods that allow you to do this in a cross-platform way. In this article, we'll explore some possibilities for using Java to access OS resources and discuss a few sample programs to give you an idea of the complexity involved.

One possibility for accessing OS resources with Java is to use the java.io package. This package provides classes for reading and writing to files, such as FileReader and FileWriter. You can also use the java.net package to access network sockets and make HTTP requests, using classes like Socket and HttpURLConnection.

Another option is to use the java.lang.System class, which provides several methods for interacting with the operating system. For example, you can use the System.getProperties() method to retrieve system properties, such as the current user's home directory or the version of the Java runtime.
